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Tajana is an architect and Feng Shui master.
She promotes precious values of conscious and healthy living by holding lectures live, in person or online.

You can book her for a session on Skype or Zoom about Feng Shui or about her unique holistic diet which has helped many - vegetarians, vegans and others. 


She writes and educates about Feng Shui and healthy and vitalising diet, in which she combines TCM with Ayurveda as most suitable for Western climate.

She also creates essays based on natal chart to encompass different layers of living so that one can balance them. Thus she
 helps not only to become aware of conditioned and unconscious ways of living, but she focuses on giving practical knowledsge how to change and transcend them.

Tajana did Feng Shui projects and teaching in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.
She also held a Feng Shui workshop for kids at Museumsquartier in Vienna.



Feng Shui
Tajana gathered knowledge about different Feng Shui schools during her 5 years study at Feng Shui Academy in Zagreb:


  1. Feng Shui school of landscape

  2. Feng Shui astrology

  3. Flying Star Feng Shui

She can apply all these techniques to interior and exterior spaces.
During her studies she experienced profound transformation, when she realized that Feng Shui is not only "placing things into a room", but rather growing into the depths of one's personality.

At the academy she also learnt TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Macrobiotics in theory and practice. This brought her gradually to start developing her unique holistic diet.


She learnt Ayurvedic reading of pulse from Dr. Krenner in Vienna. She has further education in Autogenic Training from dr. Škarica in Zagreb, and in family constellations.


Tajana graduated as Master of Architecture and Urban Planning at Architectural Faculty in Zagreb. Her thesis dealt with city revitalisation and  wooden constructions.
She is a licensed architect and lives and works in Vienna. In her architectural projects she always uses Feng Shui knowledge, because thus she can create most functional spaces.

She participated in workshops about building with natural materials a straw-ball house, a thatched roof and soil-wood stove. 


Marek je 1. krat doteknul Yogu v kesnem 80em letam kak rani adolescent, dok je bil startal Pranayamu i Asane.
2000. leta je začel s Ashtangom Yogom v Beču, ali je taki otišel v Indiju iskati glibokše odgovore. Za vreme več poseti Indiji steza ga je navek peljala v Himalaye, gde se vučil vsakojačke fele Yoge od Indijskeh vučiteljov, Gurui i Sannyasini.
Gou i Keralu nigdar videl neje, neg je hodočastil v Varanasi, Amritsar i Rishikesh a črez Himalaye je iskal Deve.
Ima certifikata z Yogičkih Studij z jene od najstrožeših jogičkih škol v Indiji - Bihar Yoga Bharati. Tam je inicirani v Saraswati tradiciju, štera je ščitar jogičkega poznanja.

Marek je
 inicirani i v Reiki i Krščanstvo (zadnje kak i katolički mistik Jack Kerouac). Zvun spiritualneh tradicij ima BSc i MSc z Vsevučilišča v Beču.




- Ashtanga + Tantra Yoga s Oskarom Hodošijem & Mihaelom Trpin 2000-2001


- Certifikat Jogičke Studije, Bihar Yoga Bharati Vsevučilišče/Vedski & Yogički Ashram, Munger, 2004-2005
- Ashtanga Yoga s Sheshadri-jom v Mysore (stara Yoga Shala, mala grupa), 2005.
- Ashtanga Yoga v Pattabhi Jois Yoga Institut Mysore, 2005. not amused - low energy

- Iyengar Yoga s Rudra Dev & Usha Devi (individualni kurs), Rishikesh, 2001.

- Hatha Yoga s Swami Dharmananda Yogacharya, Sri Ved Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh (mala grupa + individualno vučenje o Kriyami), 2001.



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